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Esan Akugbe Worldwide – EAW, is an organisation of like minded sons and daughters of EsanLand across the world. It is a non-profit oriented organisation with the purpose of promoting unity and progress among Esan indigenes both in the Diaspora and in EsanLand, Nigeria.

Membership to this organisation is purely voluntary and it's open to both Esan descents and their spouses worldwide.

The philanthropic and non-religious organisation that was founded in 2015, has long expanded its scope of activities to include humanitarian projects for the benefit of the less privileges Esan people back home in Nigeria in particular and in the Diaspora in general.

Every Easter Saturday of every year is set aside for fund raising ceremony for above purposes.

The Headquarter is located in Frankfurt Am Main, Germany where the Organization was founded. 


1. To promote Unity and Progress among members.

2. To promote and protect the rich cultural heritage of the Esan people.

3. To provide an interactive fora for intellectual discuss on matters of importance to  EsanLand and its development.

4. To encourage and assist members in Diaspora to integrate adequately into their  various countries of residence.

5. To encourage and instil in members the spirit of oneness as Esan people and to care      for one another.

6. To encourage and promote any activities that could enhance the good relationship      between Nigeria and EAW headquarter in Germany.


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 Bank: Ecobank    

 Account number: 4180008905




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